Typed Event Emitter class which can act as a Base Model for all our model and communication events. This makes it much easier for us to distinguish between events, as we now need to properly type this, so that our events are not stringly-based and prone to silly typos.

Type parameters:

  • Events - List of all events emitted by this TypedEventEmitter. Normally an enum type.
  • Arguments - A ListenerMap type providing mappings from event names to listener types.
  • SuperclassArguments - TODO: not really sure. Alternative listener mappings, I think? But only honoured for .emit?

Hierarchy (view full)



crossSigningInfo: {
    [userId: string]: ICrossSigningInfo;
} = {}
keyDownloadChunkSize: number = 250


  • Ensures up to date keys for a list of users are stored in the session store, downloading and storing them if they're not (or if forceDownload is true).


    • userIds: string[]

      The users to fetch.

    • forceDownload: boolean

      Always download the keys even if cached.

    Returns Promise<DeviceInfoMap>

    A promise which resolves to a map userId->deviceId->DeviceInfo.

  • Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named event, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments to each.

    Type Parameters


    Returns boolean

    true if the event had listeners, false otherwise.

  • Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event namedeventName, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments to each.

    Returns true if the event had listeners, false otherwise.

    import EventEmitter from 'node:events';
    const myEmitter = new EventEmitter();

    // First listener
    myEmitter.on('event', function firstListener() {
    console.log('Helloooo! first listener');
    // Second listener
    myEmitter.on('event', function secondListener(arg1, arg2) {
    console.log(`event with parameters ${arg1}, ${arg2} in second listener`);
    // Third listener
    myEmitter.on('event', function thirdListener(...args) {
    const parameters = args.join(', ');
    console.log(`event with parameters ${parameters} in third listener`);


    myEmitter.emit('event', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    // Prints:
    // [
    // [Function: firstListener],
    // [Function: secondListener],
    // [Function: thirdListener]
    // ]
    // Helloooo! first listener
    // event with parameters 1, 2 in second listener
    // event with parameters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in third listener

    Type Parameters


    Returns boolean


  • Find a device by curve25519 identity key


    • algorithm: string

      encryption algorithm

    • senderKey: string

      curve25519 key to match

    Returns null | DeviceInfo

  • Returns a list of all user IDs the DeviceList knows about

    Returns string[]

    All known user IDs

  • Get the stored device data for a user, in raw object form


    • userId: string

      the user to get data for

    Returns Record<string, IDevice>

    deviceId->{object} devices, or undefined if there is no data for this user.

  • Get the stored keys for a single device


    • userId: string
    • deviceId: string

    Returns undefined | DeviceInfo

    device, or undefined if we don't know about this device

  • Get the stored device keys for a user id


    • userId: string

      the user to list keys for.

    Returns null | DeviceInfo[]

    list of devices, or null if we haven't managed to get a list of devices for this user yet.

  • Gets the sync token last set with setSyncToken

    Returns null | string

    The sync token

  • Get a user ID by one of their device's curve25519 identity key


    • algorithm: string

      encryption algorithm

    • senderKey: string

      curve25519 key to match

    Returns null | string

    user ID

  • Mark the cached device list for the given user outdated.

    If we are not tracking this user's devices, we'll do nothing. Otherwise we flag the user as needing an update.

    This doesn't actually set off an update, so that several users can be batched together. Call refreshOutdatedDeviceLists() for that.


    • userId: string

    Returns void

  • Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named event.

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of event and listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.

    By default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The prependListener method can be used as an alternative to add the event listener to the beginning of the listeners array.

    Type Parameters


    Returns this

    a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Adds a one-time listener function for the event named event. The next time event is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked.

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    By default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The prependOnceListener method can be used as an alternative to add the event listener to the beginning of the listeners array.

    Type Parameters


    Returns this

    a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • If we have users who have outdated device lists, start key downloads for them

    Returns Promise<void>

    which completes when the download completes; normally there is no need to wait for this (it's mostly for the unit tests).

  • Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.

    It is bad practice to remove listeners added elsewhere in the code, particularly when the EventEmitter instance was created by some other component or module (e.g. sockets or file streams).


    Returns this

    a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Save the device tracking state to storage, if any changes are pending other than updating the sync token

    The actual save will be delayed by a short amount of time to aggregate multiple writes to the database.


    • delay: number = 500

      Time in ms before which the save actually happens. By default, the save is delayed for a short period in order to batch multiple writes, but this behaviour can be disabled by passing 0.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    true if the data was saved, false if it was not (eg. because no changes were pending). The promise will only resolve once the data is saved, so may take some time to resolve.

  • Set the stored device data for a user, in raw object form Used only by internal class DeviceListUpdateSerialiser


    • userId: string

      the user to get data for

    • devices: Record<string, IDevice>

      deviceId->{object} the new devices

    Returns void

  • Sets the sync token that the app will pass as the 'since' to the /sync endpoint next time it syncs. The sync token must always be set after any changes made as a result of data in that sync since setting the sync token to a newer one will mean those changed will not be synced from the server if a new client starts up with that data.


    • st: null | string

      The sync token

    Returns void

  • flag the given user for device-list tracking, if they are not already.

    This will mean that a subsequent call to refreshOutdatedDeviceLists() will download the device list for the user, and that subsequent calls to invalidateUserDeviceList will trigger more updates.


    • userId: string

    Returns void

  • Set all users we're currently tracking to untracked

    This will flag each user whose devices we are tracking as in need of an update.

    Returns void

  • Mark the given user as no longer being tracked for device-list updates.

    This won't affect any in-progress downloads, which will still go on to complete; it will just mean that we don't think that we have an up-to-date list for future calls to downloadKeys.


    • userId: string

    Returns void

  • Replaces the list of devices for a user with the given device list


    • userId: string

      The user ID

    • devices: Record<string, IDevice>

      New device info for user

    Returns void