

firstUse: boolean = true
keys: Record<string, CrossSigningKeyInfo> = {}
userId: string

the user that the information is about


  • Check whether a given device is trusted.


    • userCrossSigning: CrossSigningInfo

      Cross signing info for user

    • device: DeviceInfo

      The device to check

    • localTrust: boolean

      Whether the device is trusted locally

    • trustCrossSignedDevices: boolean

      Whether we trust cross signed devices

    Returns DeviceTrustLevel

  • unsets the keys, used when another session has reset the keys, to disable cross-signing

    Returns void

  • Calls the app callback to ask for a private key


    • type: string

      The key type ("master", "self_signing", or "user_signing")

    • OptionalexpectedPubkey: string

      The matching public key or undefined to use the stored public key for the given key type.

    Returns Promise<[string, PkSigning]>

    An array with [ public key, Olm.PkSigning ]

  • Get the ID used to identify the user. This can also be used to test for the existence of a given key type.


    • type: string = "master"

      The type of key to get the ID of. One of "master", "self_signing", or "user_signing". Defaults to "master".

    Returns null | string

    the ID

  • Check whether the private keys exist in the local key cache.


    • Optionaltype: string

      The type of key to get. One of "master", "self_signing", or "user_signing". Optional, will check all by default.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if all keys are stored in the local cache.

  • Check whether the private keys exist in secret storage. XXX: This could be static, be we often seem to have an instance when we want to know this anyway...


    Returns Promise<null | Record<string, object>>

    map of key name to key info the secret is encrypted with, or null if it is not present or not encrypted with a trusted key

  • Create new cross-signing keys for the given key types. The public keys will be held in this class, while the private keys are passed off to the saveCrossSigningKeys application callback.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • isCrossSigningVerified: boolean

    Returns void

  • Get private keys from secret storage created by some other device. This also passes the private keys to the app-specific callback.


    • type: string

      The type of key to get. One of "master", "self_signing", or "user_signing".

    • secretStorage: ServerSideSecretStorage

      The secret store using account data

    Returns Promise<null | Uint8Array>

    The private key